Update – Friday, July 10 as of 1:00pm


COVID-19 Cases by Geography to Date
per Pennsylvania Department of Health
Data updated as of 12:00pm on 7/10/2020
County Total Cases 1 Confirmed Cases Probable Cases Negative Tests 2 Deaths New cases since 7/9 New deaths since 7/9
Pennsylvania 93,876 91,206 2,670 804,764 6,880 +1,009 +32
10-County Region 7,724 7,388 336 135,225 355 +316
Allegheny 4,547 4,360 187 70,657 193 +180
Armstrong 84 84 2,584 6 +4
Beaver 809 785 24 7,711 79 +13
Butler 403 364 39 8,217 13 +7
Fayette 178 173 5 5,866 4 +15
Greene 61 54 7 1,545 +5
Indiana 121 113 8 3,809 6  
Lawrence 159 135 24 3,308 9 +13
Washington 410 394 16 10,104 6 +44
Westmoreland 952 926 26 21,424 39 +35

1 Total case counts include confirmed and probable cases.
2 Negative case data only includes negative PCR tests. Negative case data does not include negative antibody tests.
Case data from PA-NEDSS.  Death data is a combination of PA-NEDSS and EDRS

COVID-19 Tests to Date and Cases per 100K
per Pennsylvania Department of Health
Data updated as of 12:00pm on 7/10/2020
County Total Tested per 100K 1 Change from 7/3 Cases per 100K 2 Change from 7/3
Pennsylvania 7,025 11.8% 74.32 19.1%
10-County Region 5,605 19.3% 126.77 89.0%
Allegheny 6,136 20.7% 176.65 89.7%
Armstrong 4,022 16.1% 18.09 33.3%
Beaver 5,105 19.3% 102.46 96.6%
Butler 4,620 14.6% 63.78 77.6%
Fayette 4,569 15.5% 54.43 148.3%
Greene 4,324 19.4% 70.00 136.4%
Indiana 4,583 22.8% 23.32 25.0%
Lawrence 3,968 19.4% 68.66 200.0%
Washington 5,066 22.7% 107.45 129.9%
Westmoreland 6,308 15.7% 102.89 56.0%

1 Tested per 100,000 residents represents the cumulative sum of tests within the specified geography
2 Cases per 100K represents the 14 day sum of new cases per 100,000 residents


REGIONAL: COVID-19 Cases Associated with
Nursing Homes and Personal Care Homes to Date
per Pennsylvania Department of Health
Data updated as of 12:00pm on 7/10/2020
County Facilities with Cases Cases Among Residents Cases Among Employees
10-County Region 113 1,189 311
Allegheny 52 571 178
Armstrong 2 8 7
Beaver 6 395 46
Butler 11 20 13
Fayette 4 7 6
Greene 1 2 1
Indiana 6 17 6
Lawrence 5 8 3
Washington 8 10 4
Westmoreland 18 151 47


State Coronavirus Updates


  • Wolf Administration Releases Updated FAQs for Summer Recreation, Camps and Pools: The Wolf Administration released updated frequently asked questions (FAQs)about summer recreation, camps and pools. The original FAQs were announced on May 22 to cover summer camps and recreation. The new FAQs modify those and also add information about pools. Read more: https://dingo.telicon.com/PA/library/2020/2020070973.HTM
  • Wolf Administration Reminds Pennsylvanians to Wear Mask While Enjoying the Outdoors: Governor Tom Wolf and Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn reminded Pennsylvanians to wear masks while enjoying the outdoors when they are not able to consistently maintain social distancing from individuals who are not members of their household. Read more: https://dingo.telicon.com/PA/library/2020/2020070974.HTM
  • Wolf Announces $10 Million Available to Support Pennsylvania’s Food System: Governor Tom Wolf announced that $10 million is now available for Pennsylvania businesses that have worked to maintain access to fresh, healthy food throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more: https://dingo.telicon.com/PA/library/2020/2020070983.HTM
  • Wolf Administration Awards Nearly $19 Million for Homelessness Assistance and Prevention: Tom Wolf announced nearly $19 million in funding awards to assist in mitigating the impacts of the coronavirus on homeless families and individuals and to prevent future homelessness across the commonwealth. Read more: https://dingo.telicon.com/PA/library/2020/2020071080.HTM
  • Wolf Announces Protections from Foreclosures and Evictions Through Aug. 31: Governor Tom Wolf signed a new executive orderthat protects homeowners and renters from eviction or foreclosure until Aug. 31, if they have not received assistance from a new program administered by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) or are not already receiving relief through one of several federal foreclosure moratorium programs or judicial orders. Lenders and property owners that receive funds through the PHFA program agree not pursue foreclosure or eviction actions as a condition of participation in the program. Read more: https://dingo.telicon.com/PA/library/2020/2020070977.HTM


Regional Coronavirus Updates



Federal Coronavirus Updates


  • Centers of Disease Control and Prevention
    • Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) is the automated generation and transmission of case reports from the electronic health record (EHR) to public health agencies for review and action. eCR makes disease reporting from healthcare to public health faster and easier. It moves data securely and seamlessly—from the EHR at the point of care, to data systems at state, territorial, and local agencies. eCR also allows public health to provide information back to healthcare professionals. This timely data sharing provides a real time picture of COVID-19 to support outbreak management. Read more: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/electronic-case-reporting.html
  • Department of Labor


National Coronavirus Updates

  • According to CNN, as of 1:00pm on Friday, July 10, 2020, there are 133,542 coronavirus-related deaths and 3,140,840 total positive cases in the United States.
  • Women, minorities disproportionately reliant on jobless aid, data shows: Women and racial minorities are disproportionately reliant on unemployment insurance, economic data shows, leaving them most vulnerable if Congress decides not to renew the expanded benefits that are set to expire at the end of the month. Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/09/women-minorities-jobless-aid-355698
  • ‘People can’t ignore it anymore’: Across the country, minorities hit hardest by pandemic: The politicization of the pandemic hides an enduring reality: minority populations are bearing the brunt of the disease. Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/08/racial-disparities-coronavirus-political-divide-353226