UPDATE: July 8, 2020

COVID-19 Cases by Geography to Date
per Pennsylvania Department of Health
Data updated as of 12:00pm on 7/8/2020

County Total Cases 1 Confirmed Cases Probable Cases Negative Tests 2 Deaths New cases since 7/7 New deaths since 7/7
Pennsylvania 92,148 89,515 2,633 774,378 6,812 +849 +25
10-County Region 7,187 6,864 323 129,192 352 +343
Allegheny 4,209 4,028 181 67,350 190 +230
Armstrong 79 79 2,516 6
Beaver 785 763 22 7,378 79 +15
Butler 390 351 39 7,965 13 +20
Fayette 160 155 5 5,680 4 +11
Greene 52 48 4 1,464 +2
Indiana 119 111 8 3,655 6 +3
Lawrence 141 120 21 3,083 9 +12
Washington 356 340 16 9,515 6 +17
Westmoreland 896 869 27 20,586 39 +33

1 Total case counts include confirmed and probable cases.
2 Negative case data only includes negative PCR tests. Negative case data does not include negative antibody tests.
Case data from PA-NEDSS.  Death data is a combination of PA-NEDSS and EDRS


COVID-19 Tests to Date and Cases per 100K
per Pennsylvania Department of Health
Data updated as of 12:00pm on 7/8/2020

County Total Tested per 100K 1 Change from 7/1 Cases per 100K 2 Change from 7/1
Pennsylvania 6,774 11.6% 70.02 20.6%
10-County Region 5,348 20.2% 111.83 140.5%
Allegheny 5,839 22.4% 157.07 154.3%
Armstrong 3,912 15.7% 13.57 12.5%
Beaver 4,891 17.7% 90.48 139.7%
Butler 4,478 16.4% 60.57 135.4%
Fayette 4,415 15.9% 42.33 194.7%
Greene 4,081 17.2% 45.77 54.5%
Indiana 4,401 22.7% 24.49 31.3%
Lawrence 3,690 15.3% 53.79 213.3%
Washington 4,756 22.6% 86.73 150.0%
Westmoreland 6,056 16.9% 93.87 88.1%

1 Tested per 100,000 residents represents the cumulative sum of tests within the specified geography
2 Cases per 100K represents the 14 day sum of new cases per 100,000 residents


REGIONAL: COVID-19 Cases Associated with
Nursing Homes and Personal Care Homes to Date

per Pennsylvania Department of Health
Data updated as of 12:00pm on 7/6/2020

County Facilities with Cases Cases Among Residents Cases Among Employees
10-County Region 104 1,165 292
Allegheny 47 557 164
Armstrong 2 8 7
Beaver 5 395 44
Butler 10 19 13
Fayette 4 7 5
Greene 1 2 1
Indiana 6 17 5
Lawrence 3 0 3
Washington 8 9 4
Westmoreland 18 151 46


State Coronavirus Updates

  • 7.6.2020 Updates from Governor Wolf and Secretary Levine
    • Focused on the state of child care, especially in regards to the pandemic.
  • More Research Points to Importance of Masks, Mandatory Mask-Wearing Order Remains in Effect: The Wolf Administration highlighted recent research studies that further point to the importance of wearing masks to stop the spread of COVID-19. Read more: https://dingo.telicon.com/PA/library/2020/2020070653.HTM
  • L&I Holding Virtual Town Hall on Thursday so Pennsylvanians Can Ask Questions of Unemployment Compensation Experts: The Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) is hosting its seventh live virtual town hall from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM this Thursday, July 9, 2020, to share information about regular unemployment compensation (UC) and other new COVID-19-related benefits programs and give Pennsylvanians the opportunity to ask questions directly of UC experts. Read more: https://dingo.telicon.com/PA/library/2020/2020070880.HTM
  • Human Services Seeks Vendors to Implement Resource and Referral Tool to Improve Health Outcomes: Department of Human Services (DHS) Secretary Teresa Miller announced a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) for the commonwealth to establish a resource and referral tool. The tool will serve as a care coordination system for providers such as health care and social services organizations and will include a closed-loop referral system that will report on the outcomes of the referrals. It will also serve as an access point to search and obtain meaningful information to help Pennsylvanians find and access the services they need to achieve overall well-being and improve health outcomes. Read more: https://dingo.telicon.com/PA/library/2020/2020070878.HTM


Regional Coronavirus Updates


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